Lei: Redefining Home Appliances with Sustainable Innovation

ANTBEE Co. and SOL Style's Non-Electric Aroma Diffuser Wins Silver A' Design Award

Lei, a non-electric aroma diffuser, designed by ANTBEE Co. and SOL Style, is a testament to sustainable innovation in home appliances. This article explores the design process, unique properties, and the inspiration behind this award-winning product.

The design of Lei was inspired by the Seebeck effect, a phenomenon where a temperature difference between two dissimilar electrical conductors or semiconductors produces a voltage difference. This principle allowed the designers to create a product that does not rely on traditional power sources, challenging the norm of home appliances. The Seebeck effect became the key factor that shaped both the form and function of Lei.

Lei stands out for its sustainability and innovative mechanism. It generates electricity using the heat of a candle, making it a self-sufficient product. The electricity created powers a fan, which then disperses the aroma throughout the space. The minimalist design, made from recyclable materials, coupled with its cordless mobility and low maintenance usability, adds to its appeal.

The realization of Lei's design was a careful process. The designers prioritized user emotional engagement, considering every aspect of the user's interaction with the product. From gazing at the flame to feeling the gentle breeze and smelling the aroma, every detail was meticulously thought out. The design elements, such as the glass cylindrical dome, the optimal gap above the dome, and the single blade fan, all contribute to the product's functionality and aesthetic appeal.

The design team, including Yasuyuki Nagato from Antbee Co., Ltd and Bin Sugawara from Poet, were conscious of the product's environmental lifespan. They limited the materials to aluminum, iron, and glass, all of which are recyclable. This consideration extends to the packaging, ensuring that every part of the product can be recycled after its life is over. This approach reflects the team's commitment to sustainability and raises questions about the industry's sustainability practices.

Lei is not just a product; it's a statement. It challenges the status quo of home appliances and offers a glimpse into the future where electricity can be generated without relying on traditional power sources. The design was awarded the Silver A' Furniture Design Award in 2021, a testament to its innovative and sustainable design.

In conclusion, Lei represents a significant step towards sustainable innovation in home appliances. Its unique design, powered by the Seebeck effect, not only redefines the category of home appliances but also sets a benchmark for future designs. With its award-winning design, Lei is poised to make a significant impact on the industry and the way we perceive home appliances.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ANTBEE CO,.Ltd
Image Credits: ANTBEE CO,.Ltd
Project Team Members: In-house Design:Yasuyuki Nagato (Antbee Co.,Ltd) Design:Bin Sugawara (Poet)
Project Name: Lei
Project Client: ANTBEE CO,.Ltd

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